Rolfing Maui
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What is Rolfing®?

Rolfing® is hands-on bodywork that specifically addresses posture as it relates to gravity. Imagine stacking blocks or rocks. If they’re not stacked properly, they’ll tumble because of gravity. This is true for all structures of course, including the human body. When a body is out of vertical alignment, patterns worsen over time. Posture worsens. Pain happens.

The Rolfer® assesses the relationship between your body and gravity, loosens restrictions in the fascia, and helps you adjust to new posture. The result is an ability to sit, stand and move with greater ease.

The human body is a complex structure with bones holding up muscles and muscles holding up bones. It’s kinda crazy. Often, bodies becomes out of alignment. Sometimes this starts with an injury, or a habit or job or lifestyle. Sometimes it results from emotional trauma.

Bodies can be “off-line” from left-to-right, from front-to-back. Sometimes they’re twisted like a red vine. These deviations make a body structurally vulnerable to the affects of gravity over time.

The Rolfer® assesses the relationship between your body and gravity, loosens restrictions in the fascia, and helps you adjust to new posture. The result is an ability to sit, stand and move with greater ease.

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Who was Dr. Ida P. Rolf?

Dr. Ida Rolf (1896-1979), is the founder and namesake of Rolfing. As a biochemist, Dr. Rolf studied fascia and saw it as a contributing factor to deviant posture, She recognized that through the manipulation of fascia using specific techniques, bodies could be “reorganized” around a vertical line to minimize the impact of gravity on the human structure, thereby improving quality of life.

To assure that the work of Rolfing® would remain consistent and thorough, Dr. Rolf created a system of Ten Sessions, with each session dedicated to a specific territory of the body.


For further information about Rolfing® please visit:

Portland Rolfer,

Clusen Advanced Rolfer.