Rolfing Maui
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Rolfing Maui



What is Rolfing®?

Rolfing® is hands-on bodywork that addresses postural and injury-related structural imbalances in the body. A Rolfer® will study their client standing and walking and thorough the manipulation of fascia, works to bring the body into greater balance in relation to gravity. The entire process is traditionally completed in 10 sessions.

Understanding the relationship between the human body and gravity

Whether it be from injury, habitual behavior or emotional trauma, our bodies often lose vertical alignment. They become off-line from left-to-right, from front-to-back. They tilt to one side and even become twisted. These deviations make us structurally vulnerable to the affects of gravity over time. The Rolfer® assesses the relationship between your body and gravity, loosens restrictions in the fascia, and helps you to adopt posture that allows you to sit, stand and move with greater ease.

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Who was Dr. Ida P. Rolf?

Dr. Ida Rolf (1896-1979), is the founder and namesake of Rolfing. As a biochemist, Dr. Rolf studied fascia and saw it as a contributing factor to deviant posture, She recognized that through the manipulation of fascia using specific techniques, bodies could be “reorganized” around a vertical line to minimize the impact of gravity on the human structure, thereby improving the quality of life.

To assure that the work of Rolfing® would remain consistent and thorough, Dr. Rolf created a system of Ten Sessions, with each session dedicated to a specific territory of the body.


For further information about Rolfing® please visit:

Portland Rolfer,

Clusen Advanced Rolfer.