How is Rolfing different from Massage?

Rolfing is a hands-on bodywork modality that addresses the body’s alignment, balance and movement—usually over the course of ten sessions—with each session building on the work done in prior sessions. Rolfing focuses on the body’s response to gravitational forces over time by working on fascia—the abundant tissue that serves to compartmentalize, and in some cases, restrict structures in the body. Massage oil is not used in Rolfing, since oil causes “glide” and Rolfing works with friction instead.

Deep tissue massage and myofascial release are massage techniques used by many massage practitioners. Rolfing is not a technique, it’s an integrated program. Rolfers are trained to identify patterns in the body and to unravel sometimes complicated structural deviations. We use various techniques to achieve this.

Is Rolfing painful?

You can expect the contact from a Rolfer to be different from what you’ve experienced during a traditional massage, but it should not be painful. I encourage you to communicate with your Rolfer® during the session. In my practice, I try to work at a level that’s comfortable for my clients. My goal is to get people OUT of pain, not to cause it.

Do I have to do 10 sessions?

No. We can design a shorter series if you like. The ten-series is ideal because it’s designed to be thorough and address the entire body, but a lot can be done in even one Rolfing session.

How long is each session?

45-60 minutes, which includes time for assessment, progress evaluation and instructions for movement exercises.

What should I wear to my Rolfing sessions?

Women: Two-piece swimsuit or undergarments, or loose running or “boy shorts” and a tank top are fine.

Men: Men’s briefs or running shorts. (Note: board shorts and loose boxers are not ideal.) If a shirt is worn, a tank top is preferable.

Sheets and blankets are always available for your comfort during the session. Together we will be assessing your posture, therefore it’s best if we have an unobstructed view of your body’s alignment. Photographs of your structure can be taken before and after (such as these) if you like.